Jasmina Dautovic
About Jasmina
Hi, I’m Jasmina, born in Salzburg with Southeast European roots. Having grown up in two very different cultures, I try to pick the best out of both worlds and convert it into my design. My works can therefore sometimes be very controversial which leads me to draw attention to socio-political problems. I place a lot of value on aesthetics and would basically describe myself as someone who draws a lot of inspiration from art, architecture and nature. I also try not to repeat myself in what I do. If you do the same things over and over again, you become unsatisfied in the long run and fall into a routine. That’s why I like to try new things and different approaches. Beside my job as a designer, I am a passionate singer and have also co-produced some songs out there. My biggest goal is to combine both in the future: designing and producing music videos myself one day (or perhaps pursue a solo career, who knows :))
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