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Portrait von Florian Jaritz

Florian Jaritz

Sound Design

About Flo


I’m Flo, an sound designer who knows what he wants. It hasn’t always been like that, so my working career started in a different area.  

At that time, I literally used all my free time to follow my passion as a creator. I collected every experience I could get in terms of video and sound and after 12 years of struggling in a cold and rigid technician’s job, it finally was time for rising like a phoenix. I can’t fly yet but at the moment I’m studying sound design in the master’s program at FH JOANNEUM and I love it. 

I’m absolutely passionate about recording, creating & mixing sound and I‘m skilled with technology. It wasn‘t a big challenge for me to teach myself most of the programs I work with today. It was also no problem to be accepted at FH JOANNEUM, especially as a mechanical engineer. I collaborated with agencies, providing audio for visual concepts, for a broad range of projects. 

I love working in teams, especially with people who have the same passion that I have for what they do. So please feel free to hit me up so we can chat about anything that’s on your mind.